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2008年10月1日,美国Herman Miller公司与科誉(香港)有限公司建立国际战略联盟关系,并签署合作协议,从而建立使两家企业的强项连结,确保在拓展各自品牌业务范围的同时,持续为双方迅速扩展的国际客户企业提供更多的服务及支持,同时,科誉在亚洲太平洋地区为高端设计产品组合进行更为完善的价值定位。


1936年,创始人D.J. De Pree决定带领Herman Miller走上“现代”家具的发展之路,促成这个决策有一部分是因为他接受了一种新的道德维度,即看到Gilbert Rohde干净简约的设计,真实可靠的原材料,没有任何装饰的自然风格。1984年,在内心强烈愿望的驱动下,Bill Stumpf 和 Don Chadwick合力设计开发了Equa座椅,它是一款价格合理、舒适而美观的座椅,适合办公室里的每个人,而不仅限于管理者。
这只是Herman Miller众多杰作中的两例。我们的员工和与我们合作的设计师都非常关注一些有意义的人类大事,包括人类的平等和生存环境,大家都在尽心尽力地创造一个更美好的工作世界。货车上所装载的是家具,而家具中融合了我们坚定不移的信念:创新的设计、卓越的运营体制、智能化的技术应用及强烈的社会责任感。


Herman Miller是一家真正的全球性公司,我们的子公司、销售点、经销商及授权商遍布北美、亚太、欧洲、中东、非洲和拉丁美洲的40多个国家,能够为世界各地各个角落的消费者提供完善的服务。我们的总公司位于美国密歇根州的Zeeland市。在美国、意大利和英国都有我们的制造基地。

Herman Miller 于1923年开始制造传统住宅家具,二十世纪三、四十年代起成为业界领先的“现代”家具制造商;在整个二十世纪五十年代与一些具有传奇色彩的领衔工业设计师建立起长久而稳定的合作关系;又在二十世纪六十年代开创了平板系统,从而改写了办公家具的发展史;Herman Miller在二十世纪七十年代至九十年代,发明并完善了采用人体工学设计的工作椅系列;2000年再次首创了基于人体工学设计的系统家具。如今,Herman Miller已成为全世界第二大办公家具制造商,其客户和分支遍布全球。我们是一家历史悠久的可持续发展型企业。不论是人还是业务,我们一直都给予同样的关注。我们将创造舒适美好的工作空间定为我们的首要使命。

Who We Are
Who we are is a reflection of our work and the way we do it, our history and our values, and the ethic of innovation and design that gets into your bones around here. We welcome you to come for a visit, and see for yourself just who we are. Meantime, here is some evidence to ponder.

What We Believe
Our founder, D.J. De Pree, committed Herman Miller to "modern" furniture in 1936 partly because he saw a moral dimension to Gilbert Rohde's clean designs, honest materials, and lack of ornamentation. In 1984, a major impetus behind Bill Stumpf and Don Chadwick's Equa chair was a desire to give a reasonably priced, comfortable, good-looking chair to everybody in offices--not just the higher-ups.
These are but two examples of some of the best work done at Herman Miller. Our people and the designers we work with are concerned with larger issues of humanity and equality and bettering the world we work in. What arrives on the truck is furniture. What went into the truck was an amalgam of what we believe in: innovation, design, operational excellence, smart application of technology, and social responsibility.

What We Do
We study work and living environments and design and deliver products and services that make these environments work better.

Where We Are
Herman Miller is a global company with operations, sales offices, dealers, and licensees in more than 40 countries in North America, Asia/Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, serving customers virtually anywhere in the world. Our world headquarters is in Zeeland, Michigan. Our manufacturing facilities are located in the U.S., Italy, and the United Kingdom.
We sell our products and services through a substantial, global dealer network of independent and company-owned businesses.

Where We've Been
Herman Miller began in 1923 as a manufacturer of traditional residential furniture, became a leader in "modern" furniture in the 1930s and 1940s; developed lasting ties through the 1950s with legendary industrial designers who led us in new directions; transformed the office furniture industry with the first panel system in the 1960s; invented and refined ergonomic work seating in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s; reinvented the geometry of systems furniture in 2000, and is today the second largest office furniture company with customers and locations around the world. Our history of employee participation and ownership and technological innovation has long roots and continues to grow. We have always worked hard to be serious about both people and business. We look at our primary goal as creating great places to work.


  • 公司性质:民营企业
  • 所属行业:陶瓷、水泥、石材、耐火、木业、家具、管业等
  • 所在地区:北京-朝阳区
  • 联系人:Lanyrain wang
  • 手机:
  • 邮箱:会员登录后才可查看
  • 邮政编码:100022
  • 地址:北京朝阳区大郊亭中街2号院华腾国际2号楼1-3层

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